C# Regular Expression

C# regular expressions or regex are patterns used to search and manipulate text. They offer a concise and flexible way to describe complex text patterns. With regular expressions, you can efficiently perform various text operations such as searching, matching, and replacing with ease.

In practice, you use regular expressions to deal with tasks such as validating input, extracting specific information from a string, or transforming a string based on specific patterns.

By utilizing regular expressions, you can efficiently solve problems related to text manipulation and pattern matching.

Section 1. Basic C# Regular Expression

This section covers the basic of C# regular expressions including learning how to use the Regex class to match patterns, utilizing character classes to match specific sets of characters, and using anchors and word boundaries to match positions in a string.

  • Getting started with regular expressions – learn about regular expressions and how to use Regex class to match a pattern using regular expressions.
  • Character classes – show you how to use character classes in regular expressions to match any character in a set of characters.
  • Anchors – learn how to use anchors to match at the beginning and the end of a string.
  • Word boundaries – guide you on how to use word boundaries to match the whole word.

Section 2. Quantifiers

This section focuses on quantifiers in regular expressions, covering both greedy and lazy quantifiers.

  • Quantifiers – learn how to use various quantifiers to match a number of instances of a character or character class.
  • Greedy Quantifiers – explain to you what the greedy quantifiers are and how to use them in regular expressions to match as much as possible while still allowing the pattern to match.
  • Lazy quantifiers – explain how lazy quantifiers work and show you how to use them in regular expressions to match as little as possible while still allowing the pattern to match.

Section 3. Sets & Ranges

  • Sets & Ranges – learn how to use sets and ranges in regular expressions to match a character in a set or range of characters.

Section 4. Groupings

This section explores groupings in regular expressions, covering capturing groups, backreferences, regex alternation, and non-capturing groups.

  • Capturing groups – learn how to use capturing groups in regular expressions to capture a portion of a match.
  • Backreferences – show you how to use backreferences in regular expressions to refer back to a previously captured group within the pattern.
  • Alternation – show you how to use a regex alternation in regular expressions to match one pattern of another.
  • Non-capturing groups – guide you on how to use the non-capturing group in regular expressions to form groups without capturing their matches.

Section 5. Lookahead & Lookbehind

  • Lookahead – show you how to use the lookahead in regular expressions to match pattern A only if it is followed by pattern B.
  • Lookbehind – show you how to use the lookbehind in regular expressions to match pattern A only if it is preceded by pattern B.
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