LINQ Repeat

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the LINQ Repeat() method to generate a sequence that contains one repeated value.

Introduction to the LINQ Repeat() method

The Repeat() method generates a sequence that contains one repeated value:

IEnumerable<TResult> Repeat<TResult> (TResult element, int count);Code language: C# (cs)

In this syntax:

  • TResult represents the type of value to be repeated in the result sequence.
  • element has the type TResult, which represents the value to be repeated.
  • count is an integer that denotes the number of times to repeat the element in the generated sequence.

The Repeat() method returns an IEnumerable<T> that contains the repeated elements count times.

LINQ Repeat() method example

Let’s take some examples of using the Repeat() method.

1) Using the Repeat() method to generate a sequence of numbers

The following example uses the Repeat() method to generate a sequence of four numbers 9:

using static System.Console;

var numbers = Enumerable.Repeat(9, 4);
foreach (var number in numbers)
}Code language: C# (cs)


9Code language: C# (cs)

2) Using the Repeat() method to generate a sequence of strings

The following example uses the Repeat() method to generate a sequence of strings:

using static System.Console;

var messages = Enumerable.Repeat("bye", 3);
foreach (var message in messages)
}Code language: C# (cs)


byeCode language: plaintext (plaintext)


  • Use LINQ Repeat() method to generate a sequence that contains an element repeated N times.
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