C# Value and Reference Types

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about C# value and reference types and how .NET stores the objects of the value and reference type in the memory.

Memory management

When a C# program runs, it stores data in the memory. Typically, a running program uses two main regions in the memory to store data:

  • The stack
  • The heap

The Stack

The stack is an array of memory that works based on the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle. The stack allows you to add data to or remove data from the top of it:

C# Stack

The stack has two main operations, push and pop:

  • Placing data at the top of the stack is called pushing.
  • Removing data from the top of the stack is called popping.

The following picture illustrates a stack:

C# stack operations

The stack stores the following type of data:

  • Values of some variable types.
  • Parameters passed to methods.
  • The current execution environment of the program.

The Heap

The heap is a memory area where you can store a certain kind of data. Unlike the stack, data on the heap can be added or removed in any order.

The following picture illustrates the heap memory:

C# Heap

Typically, a program can store items in the heap, but it cannot delete them explicitly. Instead, the garbage collector (GC) automatically cleans up orphaned heap objects when it determines that the program no longer needs them.

The following picture shows that the program no longer references a piece of data on the heap:

The GC will start reclaiming it:

And after garbage collection, the memory is released for reuse:

C# Heap

C# value and reference types

C# divides types into two categories:

  • Value types
  • Reference types

And C# stores the objects of value types and reference types differently.

Value types require only a single location of memory that stores the actual data. C# stores objects of value types on the stack:

C# value types

Examples of the value types are byte, short, short, int, long, bool, struct, and enum.

Reference types require two locations in memory:

  • The first contains the actual data which always locates in the heap.
  • The second is a reference that points to the actual data. C# stores the reference on the stack.

The following picture illustrates how C# stores an object of a reference type:

C# Reference Types

Examples of reference types are string, object, and user-defined types including class, interface, delegate, and array.

Storing members of an object of a reference type

C# always stores the actual data of an object of a reference type on the heap. It means that if the object has members which are value types, C# also stores the data of these members on the heap.

The following picture illustrates how C# stores the member of an object of a reference type:

C# Complex Ref Types

Checking if a type is a value or reference type

To check if the type is a value or reference type, you use the typeof operator to get the System.Type instance of a type and check the IsValueType property.

If the IsValueType property returns true, the type is a value type. Otherwise, it is a reference type.

The following illustrates the use of the typeof and IsValueType property to check whether int and string are value or reference types:

using static System.Console;

WriteLine(typeof(int).IsValueType); // True
WriteLine(typeof(string).IsValueType); // FalseCode language: C# (cs)


FalseCode language: C# (cs)


  • A running program uses two main regions of the memory: the stack and heap.
  • The garbage collector automatically removes objects on the heap once the program no longer uses them.
  • C# stores data of value types on the stack and data of reference types on the heap.
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