Install Visual Studio

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn step by step how to install Visual Studio 2022 for developing C# applications.

Microsoft offers three versions of Visual Studio 2022 including community, professional, and enterprise.

For the tutorials on this website, you’ll only need the community edition which is free for students, open-source contributors, and individuals.

Download Visual Studio

Before installing Visual Studio 2022, you need to download it to your computer:

Install Visual Studio

To install Visual Studio, you follow these steps:

First, start the installer.

Second, on the workloads, select the following:

  • .NET desktop development
  • Universal Windows Platform development

Third, click Install and wait for the installer to download the selected components.

It’ll take a while for the installer to complete. And you can launch Visual Studio 2022 when it’s ready.

Launch Visual Studio

When you launch Visual Studio for the first time, it’ll request you to sign in. If you have a Microsoft account, then you can use that account.

If you don’t, you can register for a new account at

But if you don’t want to sign in or sign up, you can ignore this step by clicking the Not now, maybe later.

Also, Visual Studio asks you to select an environment with a color theme. You can select Visual C# and any theme of your choice.


  • Download and install Visual Studio 2022 community edition to start programming C#.
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